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Cambodian Cultural and General Information

     American Embassy in Phnom Penh: http://usembassy.state.gov/cambodia/
      Cambodia:  Beauty and Darkness a wealth of info about Cambodia's  history and culture 
      Cambodian Embassy in D.C. http://www.embassy.org/cambodia/
Cambodian Info. on Government, News and Culture:

Cambodia Information Center: http://www.cambodia.org/
Cambodia Information Directory: http://www.khmernet.com/
      CambodiaWorks (job website)
      Cambodian Masters (learn about Khmer music): http://www.cambodianmasters.org/
      Cambodian Town Maps: http://www.calle.com/world/cambodia/index.html
      CIA Factbook Information: http://www.odci.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/cb.html
      Center for SE Asian Studies, N. Illinois University:
      Dance: http://users.rcn.com/tskramer/dance.html 
      FamCam (Families with Cambodian Children): http://www.famcam.org/about.html
Ethnic Grocer (Cooking ingredients, recipes, ideas):  
GoCambodia.com: http://www.gocambodia.com/
Khmer Dance Lessons & Costumes: http://users.rcn.com/tskramer/homepage.html
      Khmer Institute:  www.khmerinstitute.org
      KhmerMarket (directory to Khmer businesses and services):
      See and Hear Khmer Music and Dance: http://research.umbc.edu/eol/cambodia/  

Cambodian Newspapers/Online News

      Beehive 105 Voice of the people radio
Cambodia Daily  Daily paper geared toward westerners, select articles available online
      Cambodia Post online Asian news site
Koh Santepheap Daily Online daily news online
      Phnom Penh Post bi-weekly paper geared towards westerners, select articles available     online for free, additional articles available with subscription
      Santepheap - The Cambodia Weblog News, insight and information

Preparing for Travel 

      Learn Khmer (with pronunciation guide): http://www.fortunecity.com/victorian/stone/258/

      Lonely Planet Online Guide: http://www.lonelyplanet.com/destinations/south_east_asia/cambodia/

      Helpful Khmer Phrases (with pronunciation guide):


      Best and Worst of Phnom Penh: http://merlin.capcollege.bc.ca/apmcp/dayinlife/pp_city.htm

      SE Asia Growth Chart: http://www.adoptvietnam.org/adoption/growth-chart-SEasia.htm

      Cambodia Travel Guide: http://www.pmgeiser.ch/cambodia/

      Andy Brouwer's Cambodia Tales (non adoption related): http://www.btinternet.com/~andy.brouwer/

      Phnom Penh Visitor's Guide: http://www.bigpond.com.kh/users/ngoforum/

      Cambodia Travel Information: http://www.bigpond.com.kh/users/ngoforum/

      Richard Garella's Travel Cambodia Site: http://www.garella.com/rich/index.html

Photos of Cambodia   

      Bayon Pearnik Photo Gallery
      Cambodia: A Photo Gallery

 Charitable Organizations Working in Cambodia

      American Assistance for Cambodia (building schools in Cambodia)
Asia's Hope
Cambodia For Kids
      Cambodia Schools
      Cambodia Tomorrow
      Cambodian Orphan Aid
      Cambodian Outreach Project
Children of Promise International
      Future Light Orphanage
Family Care Foundation
Friends Without a Border (hospital in Siem Riep)
Global Giving
Grady Grossman School
      Hagar Project (helping destitute women & children)
      High Tower Ministries
International Justice Mission
Kids for the Kingdom (orphanages):
Living Waters Cambodia Project
Mary Knoll Seedlings of Hope
      Operation Blessing 
      Outreach Emergency Services Program (OESP) assists in the development of Fire and Emergency Medical Services programs
Outreach International
Parish Without Borders
The Pookai Book Project
     Rapha House shelter for victims of trafficking/prostitution
     Ratanak Foundation
     Ratanakiri Online
ROSEcharities (rehabilitation surgery/programs)
      Sihanouk Hospital Center of HOPE  free medical care for the poor and needy in Cambodia
      SAO Cambodia  (SE Asian Outreach)
Sam Relief  providing education to children in Cambodia
      Sok Sabay (shelter for young victims of trafficking and abuse)
Stop Exploitation Now
The Sharing Foundation
Warm Blankets (provides ongoing care for orphans in Cambodia)
      World Hope International
World Orphans

Child Sponsorship Programs

      Email Foster Parent Program
Food for the Hungry
      Kai's Kids
�  Orphan's Voice
      World Vision

 Adoption Shopping Online:

      Adopt Shop: http://www.adoptshop.com/   
      Adopt Shoppe:  http://www.adoptshoppe.com/welcome.htm
Angel Baby Gifts http://www.angelbabygifts.com/index.html  
Asia For Kids:  http://www.asiaforkids.com/index.tmpl
Celebrate Adoption:  http://www.celebrateadoption.com 
Celebrate The Child http://www.celebratechild.com/
�   Emily's Books:  http://www.emilysbooks.com  
Heart and Seoul Adoption Products: http://www.heartandseoul.com/products.html
Miracle of Adoption (adoption announcements):  

      Yammi Wear  (Handmade Children's Clothing)

Products from Cambodia

      Taansooa (Products from Cambodia)
      Village Leap (products made in Robib village, Cambodia)
Walla Walla Roastery (Cambodian coffee)

Adoption Lifebooks and Scrapbooks

       Once Upon a Lifetime Custom Adoption Books


       Coming Home Adoption Storybook

       My Creations Personalized Stories






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