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  Adoption Related Legislation

The Intercountry Adoption Reform Act (ICARE Act):  A bill to establish an Office of Intercountry Adoptions within the Department of State, and to reform United States laws governing intercountry adoptions; to the Committee on the Judiciary.  Sponsored by Senators Nickles, Landrieu, Craig, Bingaman, Inhofe and Smith.  Read the text of the bill (number S.1934Introduced November 12, 2003.

Update July 2004:  The ICARE Act is currently in committees in both the House and the Senate.  As of 07/26/2004, there are 12 co-sponsors in the Senate and 16 co-sponsors in the House.  

Update December 2004:  The ICARE Act is reintroduced in the Senate as bill S.3031 by Senator Nickles, co-sponsored by Senators Craig, Landrieu and Inhofe.  

For more information, see www.PassICARE.com 

The Natural Born Citizen Act:
(February 25, 2004) 
A bill to define the term "natural born Citizen" as used in the Constitution of the United States to establish eligibility for the Office of President.  Sponsored by Senator Nickles (OK), co-sponsored by Senator Inhofe (OK) and Senator Landrieu (LA).  Clarifies that the term �natural born Citizen,� as used in Article II of the United States Constitution, includes persons born outside the United States who are adopted by 18 years of age by a US citizen parent or parents who are otherwise eligible to transmit citizenship to a biological child pursuant to an act of Congress. Referred to the Senate Judiciary Committee on February 25, 2004.




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